Oh shit!!! more slenderman spinoffs!!!

more fucking slenderman spinoffs!!!!
slendy gets his named reversed. slenderman . namrednels
slendy gets new clothes
slendy chases a squirrel
slendy smells like food
slendy and masky fly to duh moon
slendy plays cat mario
slendy turns into a zombie (oh my fucking god!!!)
slendy gets in star wars
slendy steps on a lego
slendy destroys AC DC
slendy does a opiration
slendy goes in a black hole
slendy makes cake
slendy rides in a golf cart and breaks it
slendy fights a spinosaurus
slendy gets a iphone
slendy kills duh easter bunny
slendy gets a job for being duh mall santa
slendy goes to burger king
slendy shits on a employees face and eat all there food and explodes
slendy kills jeff on his birthday
slendy pops out of a piata on jeff birthday
slendy gets a lolipop
slendy rides in a water fall
slendy uses condoms
slendy turns into masky?
slendy turns into a redneck
slendy gets horny
slendy gets shot and has no money to go to duh doctor
slendy robs a bank
slendy blows up a water melon
slendy gets inside a huge bubble
slendy wheres a pigeon mask forever
slendy buys a potato for christmas
slendy buys a potato for haloween
slendy beats all video games
slendy jumps off a sky scraper thinking its fun
slendy throughs his naubors bike off duh roof
slendy can't eat
slendy takes shrooms
slendy goes to hell
slendy smokes
slendy becomes a hit man
slendy gets a katana
slendy gets embarresed
slendy gets alcohol poisoning
slendy goes to duh vet cause he's sick (slendys a pet)
slendy vs chuck norris
slendy watches pingu
slendy watches elmo
slendy watches spongebob
slendy,masky,jeff,ben,hoodie go to mc.donalds and don't pay
slendy becomes asian
slendy maks a club of people who never been to duh moon
slendy sleeps with his mom and  dad cause he's scared
slendy takes everything
slendy becomes a life gaurd
slendy gets a job as being a fire fighter
slendy goes to duh zoo
slendy plays golf
slendy plays left right center
slendy harrases random people on trollpasta wikia
slendy plays angry birds
slendy turns into bacon
slendy eats babies
slendy jumps down a mountain and rolls down it
slendy fucks girls
slendy plays resident evil
slendy plays left 4 dead
slendy eats hot dogs
slendy breaks out of jail
slendy makes things out of food
slendy sells drinks to people with fucked up random rawl food and drinks all together with soap
slendy meets gandalf
slendy gets chased by evil patrixx
slendy goes down peoples chibneys
slendy kills justin beiber again...
slendy vs happy appy
slendy goes in duh 7 year woar
slendy does batman
slendy grows wings
slendy grows a tail
slendy drinks mud
slendy watches with no eyes. in sovient russia eyes see you
slendy goes in a 19's cartoon
slendy yells ffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-
slendys jimmies get rustled
slendy gets 2 heads
slendy and masky go to great wolf lodge
slendy goes to a circus
slendy gets aids
slendy gets stuck in a hole
slendy kills his mean teacher with mini knifes
slendy sues random people for no reason
feel free to make these trollpastas